Our pre-school room

Our Classroom

Our Nursery room caters for 16 children ages 3 years to 8 years. The Nursery area includes a role play area, construction area and a cosy area as well as a creative and messy play area. We recognise that our toddlers are becoming more independent, and this is supported by the staff within the area. We ensure that Nursery's resources include a range of diverse resources inside and also outside in our garden area. The nappy changing facility and the toilet is within a private area off the Nursery room. The ratio within our preschool room is 1 staff to 8 children and this is always met.

Our pre-school room

Our routine

Our pre school room routine is used as a guide as we aim for the children to follow their individual interest and needs as much as possible. The pre school area allows the children to have group time which is adult led focusing on the children's learning needs.

Our pre-school room

Toilet Training

The Children are free to visit the toilet at any time and staff ensure that children who are being toilet trained have plenty of opportunities and encouragement to go to the toilet during the day. (For further information please see our potty training and nappy changing policy).


7.00 - 8.30 Children and Parents welcomed, Free play
8.30 - 9.00 Toilet Time / Handwashing
9.00 - 9.30 Breakfast
9.30- 10.00 Music and Movements / Circle Time
10.00-10.30 Snack Time / Toothbrushing
10.30 - 11.00 Garden Time
11.00 - 11.30 Free Play
11.30 -12.00 Toilet Time / Handwashing


12.00-12.30 Lunch Time
12.30- 2.00 Sleep Time / Free Play
2.00-2.30 Nappy changing Time
2.30 3.00 Free Play
3.00-3.30 Garden Time
3.30 -4.00 Tea Time
4.00 - 4.30 Children's choice of what they would like to do today
4.30-5.00 Nappy Changing Time / Toilet Time
5.00-5.30 Snack Time
5.30-6.30 Free play and home time

Visit Us

For a visit of our nursery please feel free to visit anytime or alternatively you can book a slot to suit yourselves by calling us on 02920480845.